Monday, March 30, 2009

Bring on the Summer Time Snacks!

Ok it's not quite summer yet, heck spring's barely 1 week old, but those delicious summer time snacks are already on our minds. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a tasty treat once in a while, but remember it doesn't have to be unhealthy to be a tasty treat. There are many healthy alternatives to the all too common unhealthy treats most of us turn to.

Fresh fruit for instance is a very refreshing summertime treat that is both very tasty and healthy. But when opting for the many "sinful" pleasures that so often tickle our fancy, be smart and remember moderation is key.

Probably one of the most popular summertime treats is ice cream, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy a little vanilla once in a while. Even with a soy and dairy allergy I am able to surrender to the urge once in a while thanks to La Loo's Black Mission Fig Goat's milk ice cream. It is so good that I don't miss regular ice cream one bit. My wife even agrees that it's very tasty, but at about $7 a pint you have to be able to enjoy this treat in moderation, as I do.

So indulge once in a while, but be smart about it!

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