Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Beauty of Spring

Well spring is finally upon us, and along with comes all the bounties nature has to offer. Making fresh organic produce part of your diet (all year round) is probably one of the healthiest choices you can make, but everyone knows that the freshest tastiest (not to mention most nutritious) fruits and vegetables are those with the shortest shelf life. That red juicy tomato grown down the road at your local organic farm (or in your own garden for that matter) is sure to be tastier than the one that was shipped from some farm across the country...across the world.

That's the beauty of spring! In its wake comes those juicy blueberries, strawberries, apples, and pears that we wait all year for. With it comes tastier salads with all the fixings; peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, etc. The bounty is plenty, and the health benefit of these fresh organic foods are endless. So visit your local organic farm this spring/summer, it just may be the healthiest chose you make.

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