Monday, April 9, 2012

The medical field is lacking... nutritionally speaking!

After looking over a menu for patients at a local hospital while visiting my wife (following an unfortunate accident), I came to realize one scary fact; nutrition and modern medicine DO NOT go hand-in-hand. The menu read like any typical restaurant menu, with no shortage of elaborate meal options for every course. And like any restaurant menu there were a few healthy choices sprinkled in amongst plenty of unhealthy meal options; soda, sugary deserts, and nothing organic. The most troubling thing however was the 'heart healthy' labels next to unhealthy foods. Now I realize that expecting a hospital to come to the realization that this disturbing global push for the mass consumption of whole grains, an otherwise unnatural food source for the human body to properly digest that has only been a part of our diets since the advent of agriculture (a mere blip on our evolutionary timeline), are more damaging in the long run (promoting inflammation) then they are "heart healthy" is a long shot, but to label everything with the words 'egg substitute' in the ingredients as healthy... disturbing indeed!

With such a disconnect between the medical field and the bodies most basic nutritional needs, it's no wonder why modern medicine falls way short of curing or preventing disease and illness.

A free-range organic egg has more heart healthy benefits than any whole grain meal, let alone whatever egg substitute means... seriously, what is an egg substitute? The truth is a healthy egg (not factory farmed) is rich in Omega-3 (anti-inflammatory), Vitamin D, protein, and healthy cholesterol; and no I did not mistakenly put the word healthy before the word cholesterol. Despite popular belief there is no link between the consumption of cholesterol and or saturated fat and an increased risk in heart disease, and until the medical community connects the dots between the true inflammation causing foods (like grains) and any and all resulting diseases, we as a society will continue to suffer. All of the supporting research has been done and is there for the viewing, but each of us has to be willing (especially those in the "health care" field) to forget what we've been brainwashed to believe and search for the truth.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe that this country has some of the best, if not the best, emergency care you can get. We have access to some of the most talented surgeons and ER techs that anyone could hope for, but once the medical urgency of the patient has been lowered from critical to recovery it's 'proceed at your own risk'.

So we can chose to eat local healthy organic sustainably farmed foods (vegetables, grass fed meats, eggs, and dairy) and get on the road to true recovery; a disease free life!

Or we can continue to blindly support this cancer in our food, medical, and health industries known as factory farming, and continue to suffer all of the unhealthy, unnatural, and destructive consequences that follow in its wake...


  1. Hi Mike, what do you think of "sprouted grains" as in "sprouted grain" bread?

  2. My issue with sprouted grains despite the fact they may be higher in nutrients is that the lectins (sugar binding proteins) within the grains are very difficult for the body to break down whether sprouted, soaked, or cooked, which over time is damaging to the gut (digestive tract) causing an unbalanced inflamed environment. This causes the immune responses we know as allergic reactions, it weakens the immune system, and can also cause autoimmune disorders due to the mimicry that undigested lectins play on the body.

    Because of this I believe any grains if eaten should be done so in extreme moderation. I also believe that certain grains (those containing gluten) should be avoided altogether; stick with rice, non GMO corn, and other gluten free grains. I would like to see more research on how well the body can tolerate fermented grains. Fermentation is an amazing natural process that transforms a food into another food altogether, eliminating anti-nutrients, increases nutrient levels, and adding a healthy dose of bacteria for the gut.


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