Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wheat and Soy Free Dairy Replacements

Both my wife and I have a dairy allergy/intolerance, mine more severe but she tries to avoid it whenever possible. Then there's my soy allergy which I've managed, through a healthy diet, to avoid any sort of reaction in about 6 months. These restrictions alone can make finding a milk replacement tricky, but a recent allergy test taken by my wife at my request has made the search even more challenging.

My wife's decision to avoid dairy when possible is based more on common sense and simply being in tune with her body than from test results (i.e. if you notice it bothers you, don't wait for an allergy test to tell you to stay away), but recently at my request she took an allergy test only to find out that she has an intolerance to wheat. Besides the obvious food obstacles a wheat allergy can throw your way, there was one in particular that threw a wrench in our routine; oat milk was our favorite dairy replacement.

Since we like to create a kitchen environment that is food-friendly for all of our needs, it was back to the drawing board for finding a good replacement. As I've mentioned before, in previous posts, vanilla flavored almond milk is a good dairy and soy replacement, and it's definitely something we like to keep on hand, but it's not our only option.

Pacific Natural Foods also makes an “all natural” Hazel Nut milk, and it tastes great!

We were happy to find that we have more than one "nut milk" variety to switch off between, and both are stocked at our local health food store. So if allergies are preventing you from using milk in your favorite recipes, don't give up there's hope after all!

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