There has been an immense amount of research of late emphasizing the crucial role bacteria play in our overall health. It's important to know that over 90% of the DNA that makes up each and every one of us is not our own. It's that of the countless numbers of bacteria that call us "home". It's a symbiotic relationship that we are only beginning to understand let alone appreciate the importance of, and the truth of the matter is our health depends greatly on this relationship. Maybe more accurately put our health depends on the delicate balance of good versus bad bacteria, with good controlling the bad of course. I think this is one of the amazing details in some of the latest research; the fact that our bodies naturally harbor both (good and bad), but as long as we provide the proper environment for healthy bacteria to flourish keeping the "bad guys" in check we stay healthy. It's when our bodies, through improper diet and exposure to external toxins, becomes more habitable for bad bacteria do we ultimately suffer.
Take for instance dental hygiene. Many prominent dental experts (those that have broken away from the false traditional medical way of thinking) conclude that the majority of your dental health, or lack thereof, is a result of diet and not how many times you visit the dentist; or how you brush; or how many times a day you brush. . . it's all about maintaining the proper "friendly bacteria" environment. The same goes for every inch of real estate these friendly and not so friendly companions call home. And it's basically EVERY INCH!
Research on this subject is simply fascinating and may be the most important of its kind. The better we understand how directly and unavoidably tied our overall state of health is to the choices we make on what we put into our mouths or on our bodies, the better we will understand how to avoid or cure disease. The link below is an amazing article about just that, and is a must read if staying (or getting) healthy is important to you.
We are partners in this journey of life, like a high rise apartment for micro-organisms of every kind, and although outnumbered by these symbiotic roommates that call us home, it's ultimately the decisions we make that set the tone. So do yourself a favor and make the next decision on what to eat a healthy one. Your healthy immune fighting allies will thank you!
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