Monday, September 10, 2012

Time to Can!

It's that time of year again, when the tomatoes in your garden or at your local organic farm stand are hanging out just begging to be picked or purchased before they go bad.  So what better to do with all those tomatoes than to can them for use over those long cold winter months when those red tomato looking imposters line the store shelves... they may look like that juicy summertime friend you're yearning for, but trust me they are not!

And if your garden hasn't produced enough worthy of canning, try and find a local farm stand or farmers market where you can purchase the older softer ones for a bit of a price break.  This time of year farmers are usually more than willing to give you a break if you buy them in bulk and help them unload the seasons bounty.

Happy Canning!

1 comment:

  1. Juicy summertime friend ... That's good stuff!


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